10-13 Jun 2025 Paris (France)
Computer with light in disordered media
Sylvain Gigan  1, *  
1 : Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel - Sorbonne Université
Sorbonne Universités, UPMC, CNRS
* : Corresponding author

Waves (acoustic, optics, radiofrequencies) can naturally encode informations over their various degrees of freedom, and their propagation in various environment may be seen as a processing step on this information. In the optical domain, photonics is an ideal technology for low-energy and ultrafast information processing, and photonic computing is currently seeing a surge of interest, with exciting perspectives. In Machine Learning, optics is naturally well suited to implement a layer of neural networks, via either in integrated or free-space approaches. However, most proof-of-concepts of optical machine learning to date are limited to modest dimensions, single or relatively shallow artificial neural layer networks, and to relatively simple ML tasks.
I will show how multiple scattering of light allows performing optically an interesting operation for machine learning : large scale random matrix multiplication, I will present their application to various tasks, and discuss how we can extend this concept beyond single layers operations, and to modern machine learning tasks.

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